Wednesday, November 10, 2010

good intentions...

When I opened the box, I had good intentions. 

Ya see, Haven was sick last Sunday- reallllly sick. So were our kids. So was I. Since the hubs didn't even have a voice, I called around looking for someone to sub for his CTR 9 primary class. How bad could it be, right? Aren't people just skipping church so they wont be asked to teach these kids DYING to teach primary? (All i know is, after being nursery workers, then nursery leaders for the first 6 months of our marriage, I was just relieved when they called Haven to teach primary alone, not with me lol.) The answer to this question is no, they aren't- in case you were wondering. I called the people I honestly thought would be willing to do it too- the ones who are always willing to do ANYTHING you ask. And who tell you to call them if you ever need ANYTHING, at all, ever. Nope, those people said no. Some people had good reasons, some didn't. Some people didn't even answer. lol (totally would have been me haha). SO anyways, I was getting completely desperate. Finally this amazing guy answered, and he not only offered to do it, but he SOUNDED EXCITED? Unprecedented, I know. 

Needless to say, I was so happy I could have cried. Instead I told him I would bring him cookies for being so amazing and helping us out 30 mins before church. 

Now its Wednesday night and still no cookies. Good intentions.....
But... I had some cupcake mix. Regular yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Score! I can bring them cupcakes! Plus, I would venture to say that getting cupcakes is even BETTER than getting cookies. Right? 

Well now its 9 pm. It's looking a little late to drop off the cupcakes tonight. And I've already eaten 6 cupcakes (and now Im seriously considering doing HCG lol). I guess they'll just have to stay here till morning- for safe keeping of course. And I'll be that classy person who drops off cupcakes to someone's house at 8 am. 

I wanted to do service. I wanted to give these cupcakes away. I had goood intentions. I swear. 

PS. Someone please bring over some pre-washed lettuce so I can cleanse tomorrow. 
(if you don't get this joke click here


  1. Don't feel bad... If I were in Highland, I would probably help you eat them :) Here we go again. When I breastfeed, I devour anything eatable I can put my hands on :)

  2. haha I love you Lucie! I'm so bad with cupcakes they are honestly my biggest weakness. It sucks. I don't even have the self control not to make them in the first place. lol.
